節能貼士 Energy Saving Tips

  • 每晚商舖關門時,關掉櫥窗廣告燈箱的電源
    Switch off the advertising light boxes after business hours every night.

  • 將商舖的空調室溫調校並維持在攝氏24至26度
    Set and maintain the shop’s air-conditioned room temperature between 24℃ and 26℃.

  • 在不需要時關掉辦公室用電設備
    Switch off the electronic office equipment that is not in use.

  • 安排最遲離開商舖的員工檢查及關掉所有不需要的用電設備(包括每晚商舖關門或所有員工均已外出會客時)
    When the shop is closed or when all staff are out meeting clients, arrange for the last-man-out to check and switch off the power source of all electrical appliances that are not in use.

  • 選用附有時間掣或自動關機功能的電器,以免電器長期停留在備用狀態
    Use appliances with a time control or automatic switch-off function to avoid leaving the appliances in standby mode for a long period.

  • 選用具有能源效益的用電設備
    Procure energy efficient electrical appliances.